Provision Oracle RAC Database as a Service with Robin Platform

Oracle RAC Database as a Service – Provision with Robin Platform
See how easy it is for anybody to stand up an entirely new Oracle RAC environment including the grid infrastructure installation the ASM configuration and finally create the RAC database tool.
Log into the Robin Hyperconverged Kubernetes Platform console. Go straight to the application bundle screen. In this case, we just have a couple of simple bundles, one of which is our Oracle RAC bundle. So we’ll just simply click on that to provision Oracle RAC. On-click, we are immediately presented with the provisioning workflow associated with this application.
We will name our application. We’ll just call this Oracle RAC demo. Now we’ve got a couple of network interfaces we need to consider because for Oracle RAC both the public and private IP address ranges are available here. This is where we specify the public address because this is how the application will receive connection requests we’ve got the ability to specify the size of the cluster – both in terms of the number of nodes and the amount of compute and memory capacity.
This gives us the ability to shape the way in which the database will be laid out. In this case, we are going to change the default from flash to spinning disk because we, in this case, don’t have enough flash memory available for this particular deployment. We will then move down here to specify our private interconnect IP address and specify our single client address name for RAC. We’ll scroll on down to find a number of other environment variables which may be passed through robin for this deployment.
We’ve got the ability to define how we will declare ASM disk group redundancy – various credentials and then we have our placement rules where we can control how these resources will be deployed on the physical robin cluster. In this case, we need to be able to allow for multiple RAC instances on the same physical node in the cluster because we only have two nodes in our demo environment.
Simply click on provision application from that screen. This will kick off the deployment of our RAC environment. The provisioning process goes through a number of different phases beginning with the deployment of the V nodes or the actual virtual nodes or pods in the cluster running a variety of scripts to complete the configuration of the RAC environment itself from an Oracle perspective through the UI. After this, it is really just in a matter of minutes as we have our entirely fresh new RAC environment up and running.
View Provision Oracle RAC demo to learn more.