Run your network function on high-performance cloud-native infrastructure Robin Solution for Network Function Virtualization Pad_opactity Webscale orchestration and automation solution for software-based networks

Intelligence, agility and automation delivered seamlessly

Create repeatable and robust workflows to automate install and lifecycle operations of your bare-metal servers.
Go from bare-metal to fully functional production Kubernetes cluster in minutes.
Super scalable — Install and upgrade operating system across 100s of thousands of bare-metal servers in minutes.
Discover and configure network, storage and FPGA devices on bare-metal servers.

Why you need Robin to run NFVs

Optimized for running high-performance network functions

Automate provisioning of bare-metal servers in your data center or remote edge locations. Enable automatic discovery of storage and network cards. Uses IPXE with Redfish integration so works with every major server vendor. Extensibility is built in to adapt to specific chassis for customized, yet automated, installations.

Onboard CNF Or VNF applications

Create profiles for different operating systems and use zero-touch GUI or API triggered installation on bare metal in minutes. Also install and set-up entire Kubernetes clusters on remote bare-metal servers.

Compose network service from CNFs and VNFs

Robin automatically discovers storage disks (HDD, SSD and NVMe) attached to bare-metal servers. Create advanced volume layouts with RAID and LVM.

Deploy network services in any environment

Automate network configuration via profiles to configure NICs with VLANs, bonds, IP addresses. Integrated with leading DHCP and IPAM modules. Set up IPv4 or IPv6 networking.

Automate lifecycle management

Register and manage inventory of all your bare-metal servers and their individual components. Label servers and components to sort, group and filter your bare-metal server fleet.
